Page 58 - Abu Dhabi Oil Co Ltd. (Japan) - Sustainability Report
P. 58


         Procurement                                         qualified  to  do  business  with  the  ADNOC  group
                                                             of companies. Prequalification is part of ADNOC's
                                                             due diligence when entering into a new relationship
         ADOC PT division has utilized a total of 225 suppliers  with a supplier. We also actively engage with key
         to procure various equipment, materials and services.  stakeholders, especially contractors and suppliers, to
         All  local suppliers  are  selected  from the ADNOC  manage economic, environmental and social impacts,
         Commercial Directory's list of approved suppliers  risks and opportunities.
         based on a stringent set of criteria. This is a collection   In accordance with our Code of Conduct, we
         of approved partners approved to provide services   promote mutual prosperity with our Contractors
         to  ADNOC Group companies.  The Commercial          and Suppliers by engaging in free and fair transactions.
         Directory has a screening process to ensure a       It  is  also  through  the  Code  of  Conduct  that  we
         qualified, competitive, and sustainable supply chain of   screen Contractors and Suppliers by assessing a set
         partners and service providers. All potential partners   of criteria to ensure proper selection.
         and  service  providers  must  be  registered  and  pre-

           Hiring local Suppliers in line with ADNOC’s In Country Value (ICV) program boosts the local economy, which
           falls in line with our commitment. This initiative is a key enabler in enhancing in-country manufacturing, local
           procurement, employment of Emirati Nationals and local investment. A high percentage of 93% of the total
           spending on procurement was on local vendors. There was a 1% increase on local spending from 2021 (92%),
           demonstrating a continuous focus towards purchases from local vendors, which supports the local economy.

                                                    ADOC Procurement

                                                     Screening Criteria

                                            Compliance with Laws and Regulations

                                                      Management Policies

                                                      Financial Condition

                                                  Approach to Environmental

                                                   Technological Capabilities

                                                            Ability to
                                                      Offer Stable Supplies

                                                          Quality and
                                                     Price of the Services

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