Page 62 - Abu Dhabi Oil Co Ltd. (Japan) - Sustainability Report
P. 62


          GIS                Geographic Information Systems
          GJ                 Giga Joules

          GRI                Global Reporting Initiative

          ha                 Hectare

          HCFCs              Hydrochlorofluorocarbons

          HR                 Human Resources and Development
          HSE                Health, Safety and Environment

          HSEIA              Health, Safety and Environmental Impact Assessment

          HSEMS              Health, Safety and Environment Management System

          HSSE               Health, Safety, Security and Environment

          HST                Hail Site Terminal

          ICV                In Country Value

          IMO                International Maritime Organization
          IOGP               International Association of Oil and Gas Producers

          ISO                International Organization for Standardization

          IUCN               International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources

          JLTP               Japanese Language Teaching Program

          km2                Square Kilometre
          KPI                Key Performance Indicator

          LC                 Least Concern

          LTI                Lost Time Injury

          MARPOL             International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships

          MENA               Middle East and North Africa

          MIF                Mubarraz Island Facility

          mm                 Millimetre
          MMBR               Marawah Marine Biosphere Reserve

          MMSCFD             Million Standard Cubic Feet per Day

          N2O                Nitrous Oxide

          NCCP               National Climate Change Plan

          NE                 Not Evaluated
          NMVOCs             Non-methane Volatile Organic Compounds

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