Page 19 - Abu Dhabi Oil Co Ltd. (Japan) - Sustainability Report
P. 19


            Our Commitments                                       ADOC
            and Engagements                                       Engagements                     Contractors
            At ADOC we recognize that regular interaction with
            our stakeholder groups is key to ensuring smooth,
            sustainable  and  stable  operations  in  today’s  business
            environment. We encourage open dialogues between                                      Government
            all stakeholders to sustain and strengthen collaboration   Shareholders               Entities and
            through open and trusted communications. Engagement
            and effective planning enable  ADOC to respond to
            opportunities  and  challenges, create  strategies  and
            programs for future years, and concentrate on important
            sustainability criteria. Stakeholder engagement, including   Communities              Educational
            completion of the Materiality Assessment, is conducted
            in accordance with the ADOC Procedure for HSE Data
            Collection, Monitoring and Reporting.

            We define our stakeholders as groups or individuals that can
            either be affected or be affected by our business. Internal   Employees               SCFEA and
            meetings, site visits, presentations, participation in regional
            forums, grievance procedures, and committees enable us to
            engage with our stakeholders on a regular basis.                    ADOC Stakeholders

              Despite the ongoing challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic which limited face-to-face interactions, we continued
              to engage remotely, where required, with our stakeholders. This year we undertook additional engagement with both
              internal as well as external stakeholders as part of the materiality assessment exercise. Suppliers were also interacted with
              on a regular basis.

              As in previous years, Emiratization remains a key focus. To support our UAE national employees with their career development
              and progression, we regularly engage with them and provide regular training and performance reviews.  ADOC is carefully
              reviewing the career framework for UAE Nationals to provide further support in line with feedback.

            Corporate Governance                               of business initiatives, and agree on measures of how to
                                                               handle ongoing issues. ADOC is required to comply with
                                                               all legal requirements issued by the Federal Government
            The  governance of  ADOC is the responsibility of   of UAE and Government of  Abu Dhabi, which  are
            the  Board  of Directors,  who are  overseen by  the   communicated  through SCFEA. ADOC also  complies
            General Meeting of Shareholders, where shareholders   with the ADNOC standards  and guidelines, including
            can  decide  on matters  related  to  the  Company  and   the  ADNOC HSE  Standards. SCFEA and  ADNOC
            evaluate the Board of Directors’ actions. The Board of   communicate all notifications of revised regulations to
            Directors’ responsibility involves setting regulations and   the ADOC General Manager, who conveys them to the
            management policy and appointing directors.        PL Department  and are subsequently distributed to
            Regulations governing the Board  of Directors specify   the relevant departments for their action. Any potential
            that meetings are to be held every quarter, and that   issues that  may  arise  are  addressed  in the  weekly
            extraordinary meetings are to be held when necessary.   department managers’ meetings, Health, Safety, Security
            During meetings, directors discuss and make decisions   and Environment (HSSE)  committee  meetings, and
            on organizational-related matters, reflect on the progress   management review meetings.

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