Page 52 - Abu Dhabi Oil Co Ltd. (Japan) - Sustainability Report
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         ADOC HSE Awards

         We held our annual HSE Award ceremony at Mubarraz   • Excellent achievement     - 7 awards
         island on 16  December 2022. This event provides an   • Good achievement         - 11 awards
         opportunity for the achievements, performance and
         execution of innovative HSE initiatives of our individuals   • Best practice         - 23 awards
         or departments to be recognized and motivating them   • Best proposal           - 1 award
         to strive for excellence in their daily activities.  •  Contractor  HSE Performance  -  1  excellent,  1  good
         In total, 79 HSE Award applications were received. The   achievement and 1 participation award
         number of awards issued for each category are as follows:   • Individual Performance    - 6 awards

                                                             • Participation             - 28 awards

         HSE Awareness                                       incident investigation and root cause analysis. A total of
                                                             seven campaigns and 13 educational awareness sections
         and Education                                       were conducted, in addition to 14 training sessions

                                                             conducted specifically for HSE topics throughout 2022.
                                                             The campaigns and awareness sessions included Slip/Trip/
         As previously mentioned in Chapter 2, individual annual
         performance reviews determine the training needs and   Fall, Road safety, Beat the Heat campaign, Electrical Safety,
         requirements of our employees. We offer both in-house   Near Miss, Safe Lifting Operation, Life Raft Awareness
         and external training courses and awareness campaigns,   and Confined Space, to name a few. The training sessions
         depending  on  whether  third  party  certification  is   were provided for both Company and Contractor staff
         required. All training is provided free of charge for all   and  included  sessions on HSE Induction, Sea Survival,
         employees and is conducted during working hours.    Helicopter Underwater Escape Training, H2S/ Breathing
         We can determine the effectiveness of the training   Apparatus,  Basic  Rigging  and  Slinging,  Crane  Operator
         through evaluation  of any incidents that may occur.   Refresher, Forklift Operator, Scissor Lift, Authorized Gas
         Future recurrence can therefore be prevented once the   Tester, ISO 45001:2018 OHSMS Lead Auditor, Working
         requirement for additional training is identified through   at Height,  PTW Training, Advance Fire Fighting Training
                                                             and First Aid and CPR training.


         We value the health and well-being of our employees   Abu Dhabi  based  employees  may  use the  ADOC
         at ADOC. We provide non-occupational medical and    clinic for medical examinations and available treatment
         healthcare  services  through  universal  health  coverage   services, and our offshore employees can use the various
         which is provided as part of the comprehensive benefits   offshore facilities. Offshore and onshore employees may
         package  provided  to all full-time employees. We also   request a referral from the  ADOC doctor if further
         have a total of two clinics and one first aid post, which   examination or treatment is needed. Whenever required,
         we operate, thus ensuring our employees are well taken   employees are also able to receive medical treatment in
         care of while working offshore or onshore. The clinics   government and private hospitals outside of the clinic
         are  located  in  the Abu  Dhabi  office,  Mubarraz  Island   using the ADOC provided health insurance coverage.
         and the first aid post is located in the CFP facility. The
         Department of Health audits all three facilities annually   In 2022, no work-related ill health incidents occurred for
         for the licensing.                                  ADOC employees or Contractors.

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