Page 47 - Abu Dhabi Oil Co Ltd. (Japan) - Sustainability Report
P. 47


               Our  top priority at  ADOC, is the safety of our   Health, Safety and Environment Management System
               employees  and  operations. We  seek  to  ensure the   (HSEMS) ensures that our ethos “Safety First, Think
               safety  of all  our business activities  as  we  endeavor   before Act” is ingrained in the minds of all that work
               to become a safe, accident-free company. Our robust   for us.

            ADOC’s HSEMS                                       From an environmental perspective, it involves creating a
                                                               methodical strategy for abiding with environmental laws
                                                               and regulations, such as managing air or waste emissions

            Our HSEMS manages the hazards identified for every   to reduce the carbon footprint of the company.
            activity  or project  in accordance  with international   All  ADOC employees and activities  are covered by
            standards, UAE laws and regulations and the safety-  the HSEMS. In addition, as per the general terms and
            related guidelines set by ADNOC.                   conditions signed by all Contractors/Suppliers, all third

            The Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle services as the   parties are required to follow ADOC’s HSEMS.
            foundation for our HSEMS.  This comprises developing   We also implement the HSE Procedures through various
            systematic initiatives and procedures for identifying workplace   topics  to execute activities  that  align with HSEMS
            hazards and minimizing accidents. Furthermore, the training   requirements. These procedures are but not limited to:
            of  all  employees  in  accident  prevention  and  response,   “HSE Training, Critical  HSE  Roles and Competence”,
            emergency preparedness and use of personal protective   “Contractor HSE  management”,  “Ensuring Legal
            equipment, where  appropriate,  are  important factors  that   Compliance”, “Incident Management, Case Management
            ultimately contribute to preventing accidents and losses.  and Rehabilitation” .

                                              1. leadership and employees participation
                                              - Element 1:  Leadership & Commitment
                                              - Element 2:  HSE Policy
                                              - Element 3:  Organizational Roles, Responsibilities
                                                                  & Authorities
                                              - Element 4 :  Consultation & Participation Of

                                                                             2. PLANNING
              6. IMPROVEMENT
                                                                             - Element 5:  Risk & Opportunities
              - Element 20:  Incident Nonconformity &                                            Assessment & Management
                                  Corrective Action      CONTINUAL           - Element 6:  Legal Requirements & Other Requirements
              - Element 21:  Continual lmprovement                           - Element7:   Planning Actions
                                                         ADOC HSE            - Element 8:  HSE Objectives & Planning To Achieve them
              5. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION                                       3. SUPPORT
              - Element 17 :  Monitoring,Measurement,                         - Element 9:  Resource & Competence
                                    Analysis & Performance Evaluation         - Element 10:  Awareness
              - Element 18 : Compliance Audit                                 - Element 11: Communication
                                                                              - Element 12: Documented Information
              - Element 19 : Management Review

                                              4. OPERATION
                                              - Element 13:  Operational Planning & Control
                                              - Element 14:  Management Of Change
                                              - Element 15:  Procurement
                                              - Element 16:  Emergency Preparedness & Response

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