Page 49 - Abu Dhabi Oil Co Ltd. (Japan) - Sustainability Report
P. 49


            ADOC HSSE Policy                                   in 2022 compared with 2021 after an annual review.'.
                                                               However, a new set of HSSE targets were developed.
                                                               ADOC strived to create more stringent targets, where
            No changes were made  to the  ADOC HSSE  Policy    possible, such as for occupational safety.

                                                    ) ناباــيلا    (  ةدودـــحملا   يـــبظوبأ   طــــفن   ةكرـــش
                                                  ABU DHABI OIL CO., LTD. (JAPAN)
                         Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE) Policy    ة    ـــ ئيبلاو  ن    ـــ ملأا   ـ ة    و  ملا ــ سلاو  ة    ـــ حصلا  ــ ة    ساي ــ س

                To maintain safe and stable operations with continuous improvement of health, safety,   ــ ة     ملاسلاو    ةحصلل  ر    ـــ متسملا ن     ـــ يسحتلا   عم   ةرقتسمو   ةنمآ   تايلمع    ىلع   ظافحلا    لجأ   نم
                environment, and sustainable performance, ADOC is committed to:           :  يلي   امب   كودأ   مزت    لت ،مادتسملا   ءادلأاو  ة    ـــ ئيبلاو
                           HSSE in General                                               ماع   لكشب  ةئيبلاو   نملأا     و  ةملاسلاو   ةحصلا
                  •  Providing a  proactive  HSE  Management  System and a  Security Management       ذاخت    إ  نمضي    يذلا    نملأا    ةرادإ      ماظنو    يقابتسلاا    ةئيبلاو    ةملاسلاو      ةحصلا    ةرادإ    ماظن    ريفوت  •
                    System which ensure that all necessary steps are taken to protect our people, the   .    ةئيبلاو   ،عمتجملاو   اندارفأ   ةيامحل   ةمزلالا   تاوطخلا   عيمج
                    community, and the environment.
                  •  Enhancing an organizational HSSE  culture  with commitment  to “100%  HSE”      ةحصلل % 100 " ةسايسب امازتلإ    ةيمي ظنتلا    ةئيبلاو    نملأا     و  ةملاسلاو      ةحصلا     ةفاقث    زيزعت    •
                    which involves contribution and participation of all personnel.   . نيفظوملا   عيمج   ةكراشمو   ةمهاسم   نمضتت   يتلا   "ةئيبلا و ةملاسلا و

                  •  Encouraging all  personnel  to put  forward HSSE  initiatives  by providing    صرفلا  نيمأتب  ةئيبلاو  ةملاسلاو  ةحصلا  تاردابم  حرط  ىلع   نيفظوملا  عيمج  عيجشت  •
                     opportunities for their competency development.                                 . مهتاءافك   ري وطتل
                  •  Ensuring compliance with ADNOC’s Health, Safety and Environment Standards,     اهب  ل     ومع ملا  ــ ن       يناوقلا    عي  ج م   لو  ،     ةئيبلاو  ةملاسلاو  ةحص     لل  كوند    أ  ريياعم    ل  لاثتملاا    نامض  •
                     all applicable laws, regulations, and international standards.           .    ةيلودلا  ــ ر      يياعملاو   حئاول لو

                  •  Identifying HSE hazards/aspects and minimizing their risks/impacts to the business    اهريثأ   ت نم دحلاو    رطاخ ملا هذه    ضيفختو    ةـــئيبلاو  ـ ة     ملاسلاو    ـــ ة     حصلا  ــ ر     طاخ     م ـ  دــيد ـ ـحت  •
                     through effective controls.                                              .ةلاعفلا ةرطيسلا للاخ نم لمعلا ىلع

                     Health, Safety, and Security                                                   نملأاو    ةملاسلاو    ةحصلا
                  •  Providing a  healthy  and safe  working  environment by  controlling occupational    ي   ـــ ة     حصلا  ــ ر     طاخ ـ ملا   ىلع ةرطيسلا  ل    لا  ن   خ ــ  ـــ م  ةنمآ    ـــ ة   و   يحص  ل    ـــ مع  ــ ة    ــ ر     ئيب   يفوت  •
                    health hazards and safety hazards.                                        .    ةملاسلا رطاخمو  ة    ـــ   ينهملا
                  •  Achieving reliable operations by managing the process safety and the integrity of    . لو ـــ   صلأا  ـــ  ة    ملا    س ــ    ةرادإ  ق    ـــ  يرط     ب ـ ه ـ ا   ع ــ ن     قو   ثو ـ    م ــ  تا  ق   ع ـ م ـ  يل ــ  قح ـ  ي ــ   ت ـ  •

                  •  Ensuring the safety and security  of our  people  during any emergency, crisis, or     لطعت    وأ    أ ي    ةمزأ  يأ للاخو ،ة      ـــ   ئراط  ة     ـــ لاح    يأ   للا  ــ ا    خ ـ    ندارفأ  ن    ـــ مأو  ة    ـــ ملا    س ــ  نامض  •
                     business disruption.                                                            . لامعلأل
                     Environment                                                                           ةئيبلا
                  •  Adopting  the  best available  technologies and  practices to  maintain sustainable   ة     ي ـــ  ئ ـــ  ـــــ  ب  ن  ــ  ي ــ  مأ ــــ     تل    ـــ ة    حا ـــــ  تملا    تا ـــ ـــ سرامملاو    تا ــــ   ينقتلا    لضفأ    دا ـــــ متعا  •
                    environment.                                                                    .ةــــــــمادــتــسم
                            January 2022       Koji Ueno                                                        ونيوا يجو ك  20 2 2  رياني
                                                Representative & General Manager                               ماــــــعلا رــــيدملاو لــــثمملا

            Hazard Identification                              were captured in an action tracking register to ensure all
                                                               the mitigation and monitoring requirements that were
            and Risk Assessment                                identified were closed out.

                                                               During operations and activities, all employees are able
            ADOC implements a rigorous HSEIA process in order   to report any incidents or unsafe acts through Safety
            to  identify  work-related  hazards  and  assess  risks  on   Observation  Cards.  All observations  are  investigated
            routine and non-routine operations. HSEIA studies are   and where necessary, additional  measures may be
            carried out by ADOC for existing operational facilities   implemented  and the HSEMS  updated. If at  any time
            and any planned upcoming projects in accordance with   during operations an unsafe act  presents  itself, all
            the  ADNOC HSE  Standards.  ADOC commissioned      employees have the right to stop work, and only after the
            an independent  Consultant  to  prepare an operational   safety of personnel involved has been confirmed then
            phase HSEIA  for Mubarraz Island and ARST, the CFP   works may resume. A Root Cause Analysis is undertaken
            and HST. The significance, severity of impacts, risks and   when an incident occurs to discover the original cause of
            advised  control measures and recommendations to   the failure or incident and to identify necessary measures
            minimize risks to an acceptable level were included   that must be implemented to prevent recurrence.
            within the HSEIA reports. The HSEIA process  results

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