Page 8 - Abu Dhabi Oil Co Ltd. (Japan) - Sustainability Report
P. 8


          The questionnaires also considered  ADNOC and      platform  used to  conduct  the  assessment.  Separate
          ADOC’s operations’ impact on the people, environment,   questionnaires were produced for internal and external
          and  economic pillars. As  sustainability  covers  a  broad   stakeholders.
          range of topics, the most important aspects, and issues   18 material topics were identified and ranked based on
          to ADOC and its stakeholders were covered within the   the feedback  from internal and external stakeholders,
          questionnaires.                                    presented in the materiality matrix below. The material
          Engagement of stakeholders was subsequently achieved   topics  have been grouped  slightly differently this year,
          through both face-to-face interviews and well-designed   however, all topics  covered in 2021 are still  included
          questionnaires.  This  year  ‘Microsoft Forms’ was the   within this year’s report.

            Issues related to environmental, social and financial elements were assessed by the internal and
            external stakeholders based on Materiality Assessment responses, and a final list of material topics
            to be reported this year developed.

            The boundary of the Sustainability Report is determined to be ADOC’s UAE operations, and the
            individual topic boundaries were determined based on the location of the operating activities and
            reach of their potential risks and opportunities.

          Material Topics for 2022

                            Material topic                        Pillar          Topic boundary
           1   Reducing air and GHG emissions                   Environment  ADOC site operations
           2   Diversification into renewable / low carbon energy   Environment  ADOC Field Office and site operations

           3   Circular and sustainable solutions               Environment  ADOC Field Office and site operations
           4   Human rights impacts in supply chain             People      ADOC Field Office and site operations
           5   Investment in green technology                   Environment   ADOC Field Office and site operations
           6   Avoiding biodiversity loss                       Environment   ADOC site operations
           7   Preventing pollution                             Environment   ADOC site operations
           8   Reducing water usage                             Environment   ADOC site operations
           9   Asset Integrity and critical incident management  People     ADOC site operations
           10  Occupational health and safety                   People      ADOC Field Office and site operations
           11  Fair employment practices                        People      ADOC Field Office and site operations
           12  Non-discrimination and equal opportunity         People      ADOC Field Office and site operations
           13  Forced labor and modern slavery                  People      ADOC Field Office and site operations
           14  Economic impacts                                 Economic    ADOC Field Office and site operations
           15  Affected local communities                       People      ADOC Field Office and site operations

           16  Conflict and security                            People      ADOC Field Office and site operations
           17  Anti-corruption                                  People      ADOC Field Office and site operations
               Digitization involving better data management
           18                                                  Economic     ADOC Field Office and site operations
               and privacy/cybersecurity

   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13