Page 66 - Abu Dhabi Oil Co Ltd. (Japan) - Sustainability Report
P. 66


                                                 Pages 23-24
                         2-7 Employees           The methodology used to compile the data is a head count at
                                                 the end of the reporting period.
                                                 In 2022 ADOC employed 520 Contractor staff from four
                                                 agencies (Spark, Al Nahiya, Star, IDCMPS). Twenty-four contrac-
                         2-8 Workers who are not   tors were on limited contractors whilst 501 contractors were
                         employees               on unlimited contracts in line with the UAE Labor Law.
                                                 The methodology used to compile the data is a head count at
                                                 the end of the reporting period.
                         2-9 Governance structure   Pages 13 and 19
                         and composition
                         2-10 Nomination and selec- The General Manager is the highest governance body and is
                         tion of the highest gover-  selected by Tokyo Head Office which is not included within the
                         nance body              scope of the geographic boundary of this report.

                         2-11 Chair of the highest   Page 19
                                                 Conflicts of interest are prevented and mitigated through the
                         governance body         Code of Conduct.
                                                 Page 19
                         2-12 Role of the highest   The General Manager is the highest governing body. In addition,
                         governance body in      ADOC is reporting to the the SCFEA (Former SPC). Further-
                         overseeing the management  more, ADOC is an affiliate company of ADNOC. The General
                         of impacts              Manager sets up and review annual targets, KPIs and HSE
                                                 patrols to evaluate the effectiveness of ADOC’s processes.
          GRI 2: General
          Disclosures                            Impacts on the economy, environment, and people are re-
          2021           2-13 Delegation of res-  ported back to the General Manager through the quarterly
                         ponsibility for managing   HSSE committee meetings, Management Review Meetings,
                                                 Quarterly HSSE Report and Annual Sustainability Performance
                                                 (via the ADNOC HSE Performance Indicators Reporting Form
                                                 and Sustainability Report)
                                                 The material topics identification is undertaken consultatively
                         2-14 Role of the highest   with the involvement of departments heads. The department
                         governance body in sustai-  heads feedback to the GM and gather his views on the topics
                         nability reporting      too. The GM reviews the materiality process and the sustaina-
                                                 bility report carefully.
                                                 Page 29
                         2-15 Conflicts of interest  Any conflicts of interest identified are reported to relevant
                                                 stakeholders within the reporting boundary.
                                                 ADOC has established a formal communication system, via
                                                 Inter Office Correspondence and email communication, with
                         2-16 Communication of   the governance body via various means based on criticality of
                         critical concerns       incidents.
                                                 In the year 2022 ADOC reported zero Critical Environmental
                                                 Critical Incidents.
                                                 ADOC undertakes workshops, meetings and other modes
                         2-17 Collective knowledge   of communications through sharing media information with
                         of the highest governance   the highest governing body in order to advance the collective
                         body                    knowledge, skills, and experience of the highest governance
                                                 body on sustainable development.

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