Page 67 - Abu Dhabi Oil Co Ltd. (Japan) - Sustainability Report
P. 67


                                                    The performance of the highest governance body in
                                                    overseeing the management of the organization’s impacts on
                            2-18 Evaluation of the   the economy, environment and people is undertaken through
                            performance of the highest   ADNOC Annual Performance Reporting.
                            governance body         Evaluations are undertaken through an independent annual
                                                    performance evaluation system and are not within the scope
                                                    of the geographic reporting boundary for this report.
                                                    Confidentiality constraints
                            2-19 Remuneration policies  This has not been disclosed since it it considered confidential
                                                    by ADOC.
                                                    Confidentiality constraints
                            2-20 Process to determine   This has not been disclosed since it it considered confidential
                                                    by ADOC.
                                                    Confidentiality constraints
                            2-21 Annual total compen-  This has not been disclosed since it it considered confidential
                            sation ratio
                                                    by ADOC.
                            2-22 Statement on sustai-  Page 5
                            nable development strategy
                                                    Page 29
                            2-23 Policy commitments  Policies and the Code of Conduct are signed off by the Gene-
                                                    ral Manager
                            2-24 Embedding policy   Pages 28 and 29
                            2-25 Processes to reme-  Page 29
                            diate negative impacts
                                                    Pages 27 and 28
              GRI 2: General   2-26 Mechanisms for   ADOC employees are made aware of the mechanisms for in-
              Disclosures   seeking advice and raising   dividuals to seek advice on implementing the organization’s po-
              2021                                  licies and practices for responsible business conduct and raise
                                                    concerns about the organization’s business conduct through
                                                    annual training sessions and regular email communications.
                                                    ADOC operate in line with the highest standards of gover-
                                                    nance, compliance, and ethics in accordance with national
                                                    and international legislation and enforce similar regulations
                            2-27 Compliance with laws  throughout their supply chain.
                            and regulations         Instances of non-compliance are reported.
                                                    ADOC employees are made aware of the mechanisms for
                                                    individuals to seek advice on implementing the organization’s
                                                    ADOC reports HSE data to ADNOC on an annual basis for
                                                    reporting to the International Association of Oil and Gas Pro-
                                                    ducers (IOGP). The IOGP is a global forum in which members
                                                    identify and share best practices in every aspect of health,
                                                    safety, environment, security, social responsibility, engineering,
                            2-28 Membership associa-  and operations.
                            tions                   ADOC also completed the transition of the Energy Manage-
                                                    ment System (EnMS) to the ISO 50001:2018 Energy Ma-
                                                    nagement Systems standard. This certification demonstrates
                                                    ADOC’s commitment to continual improvement in energy
                                                    management by preparing a framework to manage, minimize
                                                    and measure energy usage in the Company.
                            2-29 Approach to stakehol-  Page 19
                            der engagement

                            2-30 Collective bargaining   Legal prohibitions
                                                    Employee associations, such as unions and collective bargaining
                            agreements              are not permitted in the UAE under the federal law.

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