Page 65 - Abu Dhabi Oil Co Ltd. (Japan) - Sustainability Report
P. 65



             Statement of                          ADOC has reported in accordance with the GRI Standards for
                                                   the period 01 January to 31 December 2022.
             GRI 1 used                            GRI 1: Foundation 2021
             Applicable GRI
             Sector Stan-                          GRI 11: Oil and Gas Sector Standard

               GRI STAN-                                                                                SECTOR
                OTHER            DISCLOSURE                       LOCATION / OMISSION                    STAN-
                SOURCE                                                                                 DARD REF.
                                                       General disclosures
                                                   Pages 13 - 15
                                                   A gray cell indicates that reasons for omission are not per-
                            2-1 Organizational details
                                                   mitted for the disclosure or that a GRI Sector Standard refe-
                                                   rence number is not available.
                            2-2 Entities included in the   Pages 16-17
                            organization’s sustainability   All UAE entities are included in consolidated financial state-
                            reporting              ments which are not filed on public record.
                                                   Page 7
                            2-3 Reporting period, fre-  The reporting period for ADOC’s financial reporting aligns
                            quency and contact point
                                                   with the reporting period for the Sustainability Report.
                                                   In last year’s report (2021), produced water was mentioned as
                                                   a source of withdrawn water, separately in GRI Index. In this
                                                   year's report, produced water is included in the water wit-
                                                   hdrawal trend graph.
                            2-4 Restatements of infor-  ADOC has been reporting on ‘disposed’ waste. In previous
             GRI 2: General   mation               years’ Sustainability Reports this has been reported as ‘gene-
             Disclosures                           rated’
             2021                                  waste. In this year’s report, this has been amended to
                                                   ‘disposed’, to make it more accurate. Since this was only a
                                                   change in the terminology, there is no effect in the trend data.

                                                   The 2022 report has not undergone a formal assurance
                            2-5 External assurance
                                                   process. ADOC is committed towards considering a formal
                                                   external assurance process in subsequent reports.
                                                   Pages 13 and 16
                                                   The report covers those activities which occur in the UAE.
                                                   There have been no changes in the sector, value chain or rele-
                            2-6 Activities, value chain   vant business relationships since the previous reporting period.
                            and other business rela-  Suppliers are located in UAE, Japan, USA and UK and com-
                            tionships              prised a variety of long-term/short-term and contractual/
                                                   non-contracual types. The types of suppliers include manufactu-
                                                   rers, distributors, and wholesalers for materials and equipment
                                                   such as office supplies, and technical components.

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