Page 74 - Abu Dhabi Oil Co Ltd. (Japan) - Sustainability Report
P. 74


                         413-1 Operations with local  Page 30-31 and 34
          GRI 413: Local   community engagement,   Social risk management studies will be undertaken in 2023 and
          Communities    impact assessments, and   the outcome of these studies will be discussed in the forthco-  11.15.2
                         development programs    ming Sustainability Reports.
                         413-2 Operations with si-  ADOC operates mostly in the offshore environment, therefore
                         gnificant actual and potential  limited direct interactions with the community.  11.15.3
                         negative impacts on local
                                                 ADOC operates mostly in the offshore environment, therefore
          Additional Sec-                        limited direct interactions with the community. No greivances   11.15.4
          tor Disclosures                        from the local community were reported during th reporting
                                                 Supplier social assessment
                                                 Page 58
                         414-1 New suppliers that   In addition, ADOC complies with the UAE Labor Law which   11.10.8
          GRI 414:       were screened using social   adheres to social criteria and prohibits forced labor and   11.12.3
          Supplier Social   criteria             discrimination on the basis of gender, race, color, sex, religion,
          Assessment                             national or social origin or disability.
          2016           414-2 Negative social   All suppliers are selected from the ADNOC Commercial Di-
                         impacts in the supply chain   rectory’s list of approved suppliers based on a stringent set of   11.10.9
                         and actions taken       criteria which includes assessment of social impacts.
                                                 Customer health and safety

          GRI 416: Cus-  416-1 Assessment of the   Page 34
                         health and safety impacts
                                                 ADOC adhere to a zero-flaring policy and monitors all opera-
          tomer Health   of product and service   tions with respect to air emissions.              11.3.3
          and Safety 2016  categories            Emissions generated by ADOC are monitored.
                                         Asset Integrity and Critical Incident Management
          GRI 3: Material   3-3 Management of material  Pages 47-54                                 11.8.1
          Topics 2021    topics
          GRI 306: Waste                         Page 39
          and Effluent   306-3 Significant spills                                                   11.8.2
          Additional Sec-                        Tier 1 PSE Rate was 0.187                          11.8.3
          tor Disclosures                        Tier 2 PSE Rate was 0

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