Page 73 - Abu Dhabi Oil Co Ltd. (Japan) - Sustainability Report
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                                                      Training and education
                            404-1 Average hours of   Page 26                                            11.10.6
                            training per year per em-                                                   11.11.4
              GRI 404:      ployee
              Training and   404-2 Programs for     Page 26-27
              Education 2016  upgrading employee skills   Page 29-30
                            and transition assistance   The AD Department works towards smooth transition for   11.10.7
                            programs                retiring/terminated employees
                                                   Diversity and equal opportunity
              GRI 3: Material   3-3 Management of material  Pages 24 to 29                              11.11.1
              Topics 2021   topics
                            405-1 Diversity of gover-  Page 24
                            nance bodies and em-                                                        11.11.5
                                                    ADOC’s definition used for ‘significant locations of operation’
                                                    refers to AD Office, offshore sites and the Mussafah war-
              GRI 405: Diver-                       ehouse.
              sity and Equal                        The basic salary and remuneration data has been calculated
              Opportunity   405-2 Ratio of basic salary   based on employees who received formal appraisals in April
              2016          and remuneration of wo-  2022.                                              11.11.6
                            men to men              Grade 10 and below: average female salary to male salary ratio
                                                    is 107.88%
                                                    Grade 11-13: average female salary to male salary ratio is
                                                    Grade 14-16: No female employees.
              GRI 3: Material   3-3 Management of material  Pages 24 to 29                              11.11.1
              Topics 2021   topics
              GRI 406:      406-1 Incidents of discri-  No incidents of discrimination alleged and subsequently found
              Non-discrimina- mination and corrective   to be of substance within disciplinary action necessary were   11.11.7
              tion 2016     actions taken           reported to ADOC in 2022.
                                                    Forced or compulsory labor
              GRI 3: Material   3-3 Management of material  Page 29                                     11.12.1
              Topics 2021   topics
                                                    Page 29
                                                    All local suppliers are selected from the ADNOC Commercial
                            409-1 Operations and    Directory’s list of approved suppliers based on a stringent set
              GRI 409: Forced   suppliers at significant risk   of criteria. This is a collection of approved partners appro-
              or Compulsory   for incidents of forced or   ved to provide services to ADNOC Group companies. The   11.12.2
              Labor 2016
                            compulsory labor        Commercial Directory has a screening process to ensure a
                                                    qualified, competitive, and sustainable supply chain of partners
                                                    and service providers.
                                                        Security practices
              GRI 3: Material   3-3 Management of material  Pages 29 and 54                             11.18.1
              Topics 2021   topics
              GRI 410: Secu-  410-1 Security personnel   Pages 29 and 54
              rity Practices   trained in human rights                                                  11.18.2
              2016          policies or procedures
                                                        Local communities
              GRI 3: Material   3-3 Management of material  Page 30
              Topics 2021   topics

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