Page 71 - Abu Dhabi Oil Co Ltd. (Japan) - Sustainability Report
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                                                   ADOC are aligned with ADNOC’s vision relatd to climate
                                                   change and the National Climate Change Plan (NCCP) of the
             Additional Sec-                       UAE (2017-2050) aims to address the causes and impacts of   11.2.4
             tor Disclosures                       climate change and to plan the transition into a climate resilient
                                                   green economy.
                                                   ADOC does not contribute to any lobbying on climate change.
             GRI 3: Material   3-3 Management of material  Page 38-39                                 11.5.1
             Topics 2021   topics
                           306-1 Waste generation   Page 38-39
             GRI 306: Waste   and significant waste-related                                           11.5.2
                                                   The ADNOC Central Environment Protection Facility (BeAAT)
                                                   treats and disposes of all hazardous waste from ADOC.
                                                   Tadweer-approved Environmental Service Providers (ESP)
                                                   collected non-hazardous waste, except for the domestic waste
                                                   at Mubarraz Island and at the CFP which is incinerated and the
                                                   incinerated waste ash disposed as hazardous waste through
                           306-2 Management of signi-  BeAAT.                                         11.5.3
                           ficant waste-related impacts  The boundary set for waste management by ADOC ends
                                                   when waste is handed over to the third-party. Beyond this
                                                   waste management is not tracked by ADOC. The Abu Dhabi
                                                   government have established waste management systems to
                                                   deal with waste in a responsible manner.
                                                   Waste manifests are maintained, and this is reported in the
                                                   ADNOC Performance data.
                           306-3 Waste generated   Page 38-39                                         11.5.4
                           306-4 Waste diverted from  No waste has been recycled / diverted from disposal in 2022.   11.5.5

                           306-5 Waste directed to   Information unavailable/incomplete               11.5.6
                                                   ADOC does not currently record this information and is com-
                           disposal                mited to recording this in the future.
             GRI 3: Material   3-3 Management of material  Pages 23-30                                11.10.1
             Topics 2021   topics
                           401-1 New employee hires  Page 23                                          11.10.2
                           and employee turnover
                           401-2 Benefits provided to   Page 24
             GRI 401:      full-time employees that are  ADOC’s definition used for ‘significant locations of operation’   11.10.3
             Employment    not provided to temporary  refers to AD Office, offshore sites and the Mussafah war-
             2016          or part-time employees  ehouse.
                                                   Page 24
                           401-3 Parental leave    Information unavailable/incomplete                 11.10.4
                                                   This information is currently unavailable for reporting.
                                                   Labor/management relations
             GRI 402:      402-1 Minimum notice pe-  Legal prohibitions
             Labor/Manage-  riods regarding operational   Not applicable to ADOC since trade unions and collective   11.10.5
             ment Relations   changes              bargaining agreements are prohibited in the UAE.
                                                  Occupational health and safety
             GRI 3: Material   3-3 Management of material  Pages 47-54                                11.9.1
             Topics 2021   topics

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