Page 70 - Abu Dhabi Oil Co Ltd. (Japan) - Sustainability Report
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                         304-1 Operational sites   Pages 16 and 33
                         owned, leased, managed in,
                         or adjacent to, protected                                                  11.4.2
                         areas and areas of high
                         biodiversity value outside
                         protected areas
                         304-2 Significant impacts   Pages 39-45
          GRI 304: Biodi-  of activities, products and                                              11.4.3
          versity 2016   services on biodiversity
                         304-3 Habitats protected or  Pages 33 and 39-45                            11.4.4
                         304-4 IUCN Red List spe-  Pages 33 and 39-45
                         cies and national conserva-
                         tion list species with habitats                                            11.4.5
                         in areas affected by opera-
          GRI 3: Material   3-3 Management of material  Pages 36-38                                 11.1.1
          Topics 2021    topics                                                                     11.3.2
                                                 Gross direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions in metric tons of CO
                                                 equivalent - 290,367.7.
                                                 All Gases (CO , CH , N O, HFCs, PCFs, SF ) included in the
                                                 No Biogenic CO  emissions in metric tons of CO  equivalent.
                                                 The source of Global Warming Potential Values is Greenhouse
          GRI 305: Emis-  305-1 Direct (Scope 1)   Gas Protocol, adapted from the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report,   11.1.5
          sions 2016     GHG emissions           2014.
                                                 Consolidation approach for emissions undertaken for financial
                                                 as well as operational control.
                                                 The values computed by converting to tons of CO  equivalent
                                                 values based on the ‘Methods for Estimating Atmospheric Emis-
                                                 sions from E&P Operations – Report No. 2.59197, September
                                                 1994, E&P Forum).
                         305-2 Energy indirect   Gross direct (Scope 2) GHG emissions in metric tons of CO    11.1.6
                         (Scope 2) GHG emissions  equivalent – 1,958. This is comprising of external sources only.
                         305-3 Other indirect    Information unavailable/incomplete                 11.1.7
                                                 Refers to Scope 3 emissions which are currently not being
                         (Scope 3) GHG emissions  tracked by ADOC.
                         305-4 GHG emissions     Information unavailable/incomplete                 11.1.8
                         intensity               Not currently being captured by ADOC
                                                 Page 36
                                                 ADOC consciously take action to reduce carbon emissions
          GRI 305: Emis-                         from its operations. ADOC adhere to a zero-flaring policy and
          sions 2016                             monitor all operations with respect to air emissions.
                         305-5 Reduction of GHG   The National Climate Change Plan (NCCP) of the UAE   11.2.3
                         emissions               (2017-2050) aims to address the causes and impacts of climate
                                                 change and to plan the transition into a climate resilient green
                                                 economy. ADOC has adopted measures to reduce ADOC’s
                                                 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and conserve energy and
                                                 resources throughout their business activities.
                         305-7 Nitrogen oxides   Page 37
                         (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx),  There were no emissions of PM reported.       11.3.2
                         and other significant air   These are the total emissions reported for the reporting
                         emissions               period.
                                       Climate change adaptation, resilience, and transition
          GRI 3: Material   3-3 Management of material  Pages 35-36                                 11.2.1
          Topics 2021    topics

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