Page 72 - Abu Dhabi Oil Co Ltd. (Japan) - Sustainability Report
P. 72


                         403-1 Occupational health   Pages 47-54
                         and safety management                                                      11.9.2
                         403-2 Hazard identification,  Pages 50-53
                         risk assessment, and incident                                              11.9.3
                         403-3 Occupational health   Page 52                                        11.9.4
                                                 Safety campaigns are held on site, email communications, and
                         403-4 Worker participation,   posters
                         consultation, and commu-  Quarterly HSSE committees and sub-committees are held   11.9.5
                         nication on occupational   which involve management and employees. Decisions are run
                         health and safety
                                                 by the General Manager for approval.
           GRI 403: Occu-  403-5 Worker training on   Page 52
           pational Health   occupational health and                                                11.9.6
           and Safety 2018 safety
                                                 Page 52
                                                 ADOC also provided health awareness campaigns such as
                         403-6 Promotion of worker   obesity and the influenza vaccination. The awareness campaigns  11.9.7
                                                 are shared with all employees through email communications,
                                                 posters, and during training sessions.
                         403-7 Prevention and    Pages 47-54
                         mitigation of occupational
                         health and safety impacts                                                  11.9.8
                         directly linked by business
                         403-8 Workers covered by   Page 47
                         an occupational health and                                                 11.9.9
                         safety management system
                                                 Pages 51-54
                                                 The injuries reported included a finger getting caught in
                                                 between a radiator fan blade, a finger getting entangled in rope
                                                 while manually trying to start a water pump, finger getting cut
                                                 with a pocket knife while trying to remove the rope in the
                                                 aforementioned activity, chemical splash on face, wrist getting
                                                 cut by a knife during removal of a cable connection from a
                         403-9 Work-related injuries                                                11.9.10
                                                 distribution board.
                                                 The typical risks associated with oil and gas are known within
           GRI 403: Occu-                        the HSE Department. The department are committed to mi-
           pational Health                       nimizing the occurrence of such hazards and incidents through
           and Safety 2018                       management systems and HSEIA studies.
                                                 The LTIFR is based on 1,000,000 hours worked
                                                 No workers have been excluded from this disclosure.
                                                 There were no reports of work-related ill health in the 2022
                                                 reporting period.
                         403-10 Work-related ill   Page 51 and 52                                   11.9.11
                                                 The typical risks associated with oil and gas are known within
                         health                  the HSE Department. The department is committed to mini-
                                                 mizing the occurrence of such hazards and incidents through
                                                 management systems and HSEIA studies.

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