Page 69 - Abu Dhabi Oil Co Ltd. (Japan) - Sustainability Report
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                           205-1 Operations assessed   All of ADOC’s operations are assessed for risks related to
                           for risks related to corrup-  corruption.                                  11.20.2
                                                   Pages 27 and 28
             GRI 205: An-  205-2 Communication and   All employees and the General Manager are informed of the
             ti-corruption   training about anti-corrup-  organization’s anti-corruption polcies through the Code of   11.20.3
             2016          tion policies and procedures
                                                   Conduct, training and email communications.
                           205-3 Confirmed incidents   None recorded during the reporting period.
                           of corruption and actions                                                  11.20.4
                                                   Pages 13 and 60
             Additional Sec-
             tor Disclosures                       ADOC follows the ADNOC tender/contract awarding proce-
                                                   dure maintaining highest possible transparency.    11.20.6
                                                   There are no joint ventures within ADOC.
                                                   Page 34
                           302-1 Energy consumption   Total energy consumption= 180,624,504 KWH       11.1.2
                           within the organization  All direct energy generated by ADOC is consumed; no surplus
                                                   power is sold.
             GRI 302: Energy                       Information unavailable/incomplete
             2016          302-2 Energy consumption   Refers to Scope 3 emissions which are currently not being   11.1.3
                           outside of the organization
                                                   tracked by ADOC.
                                                   Information unavailable/incomplete
                           302-3 Energy intensity                                                     11.1.4
                                                   Not currently being captured by ADOC
                                                      Water and effluents
             GRI 3: Material   3-3 Management of material  Page 39                                    11.6.1
             Topics 2021   topics
                           303-1 Interactions with wa-  Page 39
                                                   ADOC have no water-related targets sets as part of managing  11.6.2
                           ter as a shared resource
             GRI 303: Water                        water and effluents
             and Effluents   303-2 Management of   Page 39
             2018          water discharge-related                                                    11.6.3
                           303-3 Water withdrawal  Page 39                                            11.6.4
                                                   Page 39
                                                   Total water discharge (3714746.725 m ).
             GRI 303: Water                        ADOC do not discharge to waterbodies that are water
             and Effluents   303-4 Water discharge  stressed.                                         11.6.5
             2018                                  All discharges are maintained in line with Federal Law No. 24
                                                   of 1999 and relevant ADNOC HSE Standards (2020).

                           303-5 Water consumption  Water consumption:1,485,850.28 m 3                11.6.6
             GRI 3: Material   3-3 Management of material  Pages 39-45                                11.4.1
             Topics 2021   topics

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