Page 42 - Abu Dhabi Oil Co Ltd. (Japan) - Sustainability Report
P. 42


           Poster: ADOC Guidelines                             DONT’s

           for Turtle Nesting Season                           •  Do  not  switch  on  flashlights  or  point  them

           March –August 2022                                     toward the beach, as that will lead to disturbing
                                                                  the turtles during the nesting process.

                                                               •  Avoid any activities  near the nesting areas,
           DO’s                                                   including driving (vehicles/bicycles).

                                                               • Avoid being in the areas that have a signage with
           • Ensure the beach (shoreline) is always kept clean.   turtle nesting area.
           • Inform site HSE focal team in case of spotting any turtle   • During the nesting season, the turtles will be
             or the new hatching turtles heading towards the land,   moving towards the beach and digging into the
             kindly redirect them back to the sea with the support   sand to lay eggs. Do not disturb the turtles and
             of site HSE focal team.                              stay away from the turtle nesting areas.
           • Report any violation or concerns related to turtles to   • Do not get close to the beach (shoreline) after
             site HSE focal team.                                 sunset if you spot  turtle movement; having
                                                                  people around the turtles will scare and force
                                                                  them to go back to the sea.

              DID YOU KNOW?
              Seagrasses can form dense underwater meadows, some of which are large enough to be seen from space.

         Coral                                              discharges, sedimentation, pollution, anchor damage,
                                                            landfill, and discarded or lost fishing gear are all examples
                                                            of the activities that may cause harm to the corals.
         The coastlines and islands of Abu Dhabi has approximately   At ADOC, we closely monitor our effects on the coral
         350 km  of coral reef associated habitat with 44 coral   reefs in the areas where we operate to make sure they
         species listed as either Near Threatened (NT) or VU by   have no long-term effects on this precious ecosystem.
         the IUCN. The predominant species include the boulder   Temperature  loggers  were  installed  in 2022,  replacing
         coral (Porites spp.) and branching coral (Acropora coral –   those  installed  in the  previous  year,. We  replaced  and
         NE (IUCN)). Coral provides essential habitat for many   installed new temperature loggers around the identified
         marine  species,  including  fish  species  that  live  in  reefs   locations around Mubarraz Island. Due to rough sea and
         as  well  as  hawksbill  turtles.  However,  anthropogenic   weather conditions, only few temperature loggers were
         activities have a significant negative impact on corals in   managed to recover and other has been washed away.
         the Emirate. Coastal development, dredging, wastewater

           DID YOU KNOW?
           Corals are bioindicators, meaning they are very sensitive to environmental changes in their ecosystem. In great
           environmental conditions, coral colonies have been documented to live for hundreds or thousands of years!

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