Page 68 - Abu Dhabi Oil Co Ltd. (Japan) - Sustainability Report
P. 68


                                                      Material topics
                         3-1 Process to determine   Pages 7 and 8
                         material topics
                                                 Page 8 Five new material topics have been added for 2022
                                                 including: Economic Impacts, Affected Local Communities,
          GRI 3: Material                        Conflict and Security, Anti-corruption, Digitization Involving
          Topics 2021                            Better Data Management and Privacy/Cybersecurity. The
                         3-2 List of material topics  remaining material topics were included (directly or under
                                                 broader category)  in the 2021 Sustainability Report, however,
                                                 within the 2022 Sustainability Report these may have been
                                                 categorised differently to capture the material topic either in a
                                                 broader context, or highlight any specific significant elements of
                                                 that topic.
                                                  Economic performance
          GRI 3: Material   3-3 Management of material  Pages 57-59                                 11.14.1
          Topics 2021    topics
                                                 Information unavailable/incomplete
                                                 ADOC is a privately held company. They extract oil and trans-
                                                 fer the same to two of ADOC’s parent companies Cosmo
                                                 Energy Exploration & Production Co., Ltd. & JX Nippon Oil &
                         201-1 Direct economic   Gas Exploration Corporation. Their financial information is re-
                         value generated and distri-  ported in sustainability reports of ADOC’s parent companies.   11.14.2
                         buted                   They also work for ADNOC, as an independent operator, and
                                                 their financial information is reported in ADNOC’s sustainabi-
                                                 lity report too. ADOC therefore consider this information pro-
                                                 prietary and do not wish to report financial figures of ADOC
          GRI 201: Eco-                          (direct (EVG&D) by project) separately as a single entity.
          nomic Perfor-  201-2 Financial implications  Page 36
          mance 2016     and other risks and op-  ADOC is exploring decarbonization strategies which may   11.2.2
                         portunities due to climate   financially benefit the organisation in the future.
                                                 ADOC’s definition of ‘local’ refers to within the UAE.
                                                 ADOC’s definition used for ‘significant locations of operation’
                                                 refers to AD Office, offshore sites and the Mussafah war-
                         202-2 Proportion of senior   ehouse.                                       11.11.2
                         management hired from the   Senior management is defined as heads of department and   11.14.3
                         local community
                                                 Considering the above definitions, the HR and FA manager are
                                                 hired from local community.
                                                 Indirect economic impacts
                         203-1 Infrastructure    Social risk management studies will be undertaken in 2023 and
          GRI 203: Indi-  investments and services   the outcome of these studies will be discussed in the forthco-  11.14.4
          rect Economic   supported              ming Sustainability Reports.
          Impacts 2016   203-2 Significant indirect   Page 57
                         economic impacts                                                           11.14.5
                                                   Procurement practices
                                                 Page 57
          GRI 204: Procu-  204-1 Proportion of spen-  ADOC’s definition of ‘local’ refers to within the UAE.
          rement Prac-   ding on local suppliers  ADOC’s definition used for ‘significant locations of operation’   11.14.6
          tices 2016                             refers to AD Office, offshore sites and the Mussafah war-
          GRI 3: Material   3-3 Management of material  Pages 27 and 28                             11.20.1
          Topics 2021    topics

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