Page 27 - Abu Dhabi Oil Co Ltd. (Japan) - Sustainability Report
P. 27


               ADOC uses a grade system to categorize employees based on skills, level of training, and expertise at their
               position. Grade 17+ represent the Executive and Senior Management, Grade 14-16 represent the Middle
               Management and Grade 10-13 represent Staff level positions.

             All of our employees, the General Manager and      combination of self-assessment and management
             members of the committee of managers from each     review.  The annual performance review then
             of the departments, undergo annual performance     forms the basis for the training needs analysis
             reviews.  These are carried out through a          exercise as part of the Annual Training Plan.

              Constructive feedback is obtained
               on the individuals performance
                  during the annual review          TRAINING COURSES

               Gaps are assessed and reviewed       Training Courses Completed
                                                        • Process Plant Start-up, Commissioning and Troubleshooting
                                                        • Process Control, Instrumentation, Troubleshooting and Problem
                  Training requirements are               Solving
                 identified and a list of skills-       • Work and Business Ethics
                  based courses is formed               • Element of Applied Process Engineering
                                                        • ISO 18436 Category 1 – Basic Vibration Analyst Training and
               Training courses are prioritized
                  based on the maximum              HR Online Training using Udemy
                  number of requirements            Platform on topics such as:
                    for a particular skill              • Microsoft Office 365   • Oil and Gas Industry
                                                        • Certified Associate in Project Management
                A training schedule is drafted          • ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System
               and shared with all departments          • IT Asset Management    • Financial Analysis

               Training Needs Analysis Protocol

            Code of Conduct                                    behavior within the Company and outside within wider
                                                               society. The Code of Conduct document outlines the
                                                               initiatives required to implement the corporation vision
            ADOC’s Code of Conduct outlines the rules,         in practice, as well as the ethical guidelines that members
            responsibilities, and core principles of the organization   of the ADOC organization should uphold. Fairness and
            with the purpose of upholding standards for acceptable   honesty are at the core of all actions at ADOC.

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