Page 29 - Abu Dhabi Oil Co Ltd. (Japan) - Sustainability Report
P. 29


             Grievance Procedure                                and grievances should be handled. This includes all the
                                                                steps that should be followed as per the “Grievance
                                                                Procedures” should any employee have a complaint
             ADOC’s “Personnel  Manual” includes the “Grievance   or grievance. No issues have been raised through this
             Procedure” which outlines how all personnel complaints   system for 2022.

                         Present the                             If the complainant
                      complaint/ grievance   Complainant may     is not satisfied with   If the General Manager
                        either verbally     request an interview   the result of the   does not satisfy the
                        or in writing to   with the next high-level   second step, they can   complainant, they can
                                           supervisor, such as the
                                                                request that the case
                                                                                     take the case to the
                        the immediate      Department Manager.   be reviewed by the   Ministry of Labor.
                          supervisor.                            General Manager.
                                                     Grievance Procedure

            Conflicts of Interest                              Human Rights

            Conflicts of interest within ADOC are prevented  Human rights are of paramount importance at ADOC.
            through our Code of Conduct which forbids any  Our business activities and transactions are conducted
            of our employees or associated from partaking in  in an honest manner, and we reserve the right to cease
            activities which could compromise the integrity  business with partners when they engage in acts that
            of  ADOC’s organization.  Transactions with our  infringe on human rights. We support the principles of
            competitors and other acts that conflict with the  the Universal Declaration of Human Rights prohibiting
            interest of  ADOC, including insider trading at  discrimination, forced work against workers’ rights and
            ADOC, are prohibited.                              underage  employment, respecting  indigenous people
                                                               and  eliminating  security  measures that  infringe on
                                                               human rights. Human rights reviews have therefore been
                                                               conducted for all of our operations.

                DID YOU KNOW?
                Employment matters in the UAE are governed by Federal Decree Law No. 33 of 2021. The UAE has ratified
                nine conventions of International Labour Organization’s related to the rights of workers and set up channels
                to resolve labour disputes.

                                                               ADOC has 61 UAE Nationals within the organization.
                                                               Emiratization is mandated by the UAE government in
            ADOC continues to implement its Emiratization Program   order  to  expand  job  prospects,  mainly  in the  private
            in accordance with the directives of the UAE Government   sector, for Emirati Nationals, to increase their contribution
            and  SCFEA  /  ADNOC’s  requirements. The  program’s   to the national economy. Our Emiratization  program
            objective is to ensure that our Emirati employees develop   at ADOC aims to increase the proportion of Emiratis
            within a supportive work environment by fostering skills,   within the organization  and  develop  their knowledge
            competencies and career progression.               and experience relevant to UAE labor market.

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