Page 28 - Abu Dhabi Oil Co Ltd. (Japan) - Sustainability Report
P. 28


                  We reward customers and
                                                                  We aspire to become a safe,
                  shareholders trust and                          accident-free company
                  provide satisfaction

                                                      ADOC’s Key
                  We take care of the
                                                    Code of Conduct            We value people
                  global environment

                  We strive to maintain our                      We value communications
                  position as an honest company                  with society


         Through  our Corporate  Ethics Regulations, ADOC is    TRAINING ON WORK
         committed  to conforming to all  applicable laws and   AND BUSINESS ETHICS
         regulations and acting as a fair and sincere member of
         society in Company activities. Decisions, execution and   97 ADOC employees undertook training
         audits of our corporate ethics are the responsibility   on Work and Business Ethics.
         of our corporate  ethics  committee.  As  part  of the   Grade  17+         : 3     employees
         Corporate Ethics Regulations, all Company employees    Grade  14 to 16      : 12   employees
         and Contractors are obliged  to follow the principles   Grade  11 to 13     : 45   employees
         outlined in our Code of Conduct, which sets out the
         initiatives outlined in ADOC’s corporate vison. All staff   Grade    10     : 37   employees
         receive regular training on work and business ethics. In   98 Contractor staff undertook training
         2022 there was a slight increase in staff (1%) undertaking   on Work and Business Ethics.
         this training compared to 2021.

          Whistleblowing Procedure                           unethical matters they encounter. This policy encourages
                                                             employees to report any fraud or unethical matters
                                                             through a confidential means of reporting and ensures
          We continue to implement our Whistle Blowing Policy   the protection of any individual who wish to disclose in
          which has been established to enable employees     good faith.
          to  anonymously raise  any concerns over fraud  or

                                 AU Manager will
             Whistleblower      inform the General    The AU Manager      If necessary, the AU   Following the
            internally reports   Manager, AD Manager   notifies the Whistle   Manager leads an   investigation, a
             the case to the                          Blower within 20    investigation team
             AU Department      and any concerned    days after receipt of   comprised of him/her,   corrective action
                                                                         the AD Manager, and
                                                      the complaint and
            Manager via letter,    Department        informs them of the   concerned Department   plan is formed
                                Manager(s) to discuss
            email or telephone.  needs for investigation.   course of action.   Manager(s).    and executed.
                                                Whistle Blowing Procedure

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