Page 35 - Abu Dhabi Oil Co Ltd. (Japan) - Sustainability Report
P. 35


            Energy Management                                   Climate Change

            System Transition

            We successfully achieved the transformation of the
            EnMS from the ISO 50001:2011 to ISO 50001:2018
            standard  in  2020.  In  June  2022,  the  Recertification
            Audit for the ADOC Energy Management System ISO
            50001: 2018 was held by DNV certifying body, which
            was successfully secured for three years until the 5th
            of July 2025. There were no non-conformities recorded
            during the audit. This certification is valid for the scope
            of “Process Facilities for the Production of Crude Oil in
            Mubarraz Island and Loading for Shipment”.

                                                                (Source: United Arab  Emirates  - Sea  Level Rise for coastal  UAE
                                                                (1993-2015), Climate Change Knowledge Portal (

                                                                The National Climate Change Plan (NCCP) of the UAE
               MANAGEMENT SYSTEM                                (2017-2050) aims to address the causes and impacts of
               CERTIFICATE                                      climate change and to plan the transition into a climate
                                                                resilient green economy.
               Certificate no.:  Initial certification date:  Valid:
               202822-2016-AE-ARE-RvA  05 July 2016  06 July 2022 – 05 July 2025
                                                                The UAE State of Climate Report indicates that currently the
               This is to certify that the management system of
               Abu Dhabi Oil Co., Ltd. (Japan)                  annual rise is approximately 3 millimeter (mm) per year. The
               P. O. Box # 630, Khalidiya, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
                                                                report further states that under warming conditions posed
                                                                by climate change, marine life is not well-adapted to adjust.
               has been found to conform to the Energy Management System standard:
                                                                Adverse impacts may include a decrease in the body size of
               ISO 50001:2018
                                                                ectotherms  and thermal bleaching of corals. The UAE has
               This certificate is valid for the following scope:
               Process Facilities for the production of crude oil in Mubarraz Island and loading for
               shipment                                         launched its UAE Net Zero by 2050 strategic initiative in
                                                                order to reduce the effects of climate change and achieve net-
                                                                zero emissions by 2050.
                                                                ADOC is undertaking studies towards exploring various
                                                                decarbonization  strategies  for the business. Mangrove
                                                                forests and seagrass meadows (along with saltmarshes)
                                                                sequester more carbon dioxide from the air, often
               Place and date:             For the issuing office:
               Barendrecht, 27 June 2022   DNV - Business Assurance
                                           Zwolseweg 1, 2994 LB  Barendrecht,  referred to as ‘blue carbon’, and store greater quantities
                                                                of organic carbon. In 2022, ADOC have explored a
                                                                proposal to investigate the gradual build-up with time of
                                                                blue carbon storage capacity in the mangroves planted
                                           Erie Koek
                                           Management Representative

               Lack of fulfilment of conditions as set out in the Certification Agreement may render this Certificate invalid.  over the years, and to make an assessment of the
               ACCREDITED UNIT: DNV Business Assurance B.V., Zwolseweg 1, 2994 LB, Barendrecht, Netherlands - TEL: +31(0)102922689.
                                                                total blue carbon stock in the mangrove and seagrass
                                                                ecosystems  at  Mubarraz. The study  is  detailed  below,
                                                                and progress on this will be shared in our forthcoming
                                                                sustainability reports.

            1 Ectotherms comprise of fishes, amphibians, reptiles and invertebrates.

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