Page 40 - Abu Dhabi Oil Co Ltd. (Japan) - Sustainability Report
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The wood of the Mangrove trees was used historically for constructing homes and ships due to its hardness and
high resistance to rot and termites, and they are the only trees in the world that are able to tolerate saltwater,
therefore known as ‘‘halophytes’’.
For the past 30 years, ADOC has contributed towards mangroves along the Mubarraz Causeway and Island
cultivating and protecting the mangroves on Mubarraz shorelines cover approximately 16.5 ha and we planted
Island. Every year, ADOC plants mangroves sampling as an additional 19,427 samplings in 2022.
part of the Annual Mangrove Plantation Campaign. The
World Environment Day year). The theme of 2022, #OnlyOneEarth, called for
positive adjustments to laws and lifestyle decisions
to enable cleaner, greener, and sustainable living in
The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) harmony with nature. To celebrate this event, awareness
is in charge of the World Environment Day – Global of the campaign was raised amongst all employees and
campaign, which has been observed on June 5th every ADOC organized a tree planting campaign that was
year since 1972 (2022 will be the campaign's 50th well attended by senior staff and HSE department staff.
Minimizing Harmful Marine sea turtles) that have washed up along the shores of
Mubarraz Island and Causeway in recent years. We have
Megafauna Interactions also notified the ADNOC through preliminary incident
notifications and contacted Specialist consultants on
numerous occasions to identify species, investigate
Since the start of the oil exploration activities at Mubarraz,
we have been aware of the unique and sensitive marine potential cause of death and advise on how best to
environment of Mubarraz, including its many turtles, dispose the carcasses of these animals.
dugongs and dolphins. We are constantly making efforts The deliverables of the study included:
to avoid and/or minimize impacts from our operations • A technical report
on the environment. We have kept anecdotal records
of marine megafauna (including dugongs, dolphins and • Marine Megafauna Simple Sightings/ Incident Reporting