Page 37 - Abu Dhabi Oil Co Ltd. (Japan) - Sustainability Report
P. 37


            Ozone Depleting                                    Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)
            Substances                                         and Sulphur Oxides (SOx)

            In 2022, we had zero emissions of ozone-depleting   No hazardous air pollutants or persistent organic pollutants
            substances emitted from our sites. By converting ozone-  were  produced  as  a  result  of  ADOC’s  activities.  Gas
            depleting hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) to ozone-  turbines,  backup  diesel  generators,  and  flaring  activities,
            friendly hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), we have retrofitted   used by ADOC to generate energy in 2022 resulted in
            air conditioning units. We are continuing our efforts to   emissions of 2,535 tons of sulfur dioxide (SO ), 582 tons
            eliminate all ozone-depleting substances.          of NOx, 226 tons of carbon monoxide (CO), and 40 tons
                                                               of non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs).
                                                               Each  operating  piece  of  equipment  has  its  own  point
                                                               source emission inventory, which we keep up to date.

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