Page 36 - Abu Dhabi Oil Co Ltd. (Japan) - Sustainability Report
P. 36


           Mubarraz Blue Carbon Study

           When mangroves are damaged or destroyed, significant amounts of carbon are released into the atmosphere,
           which, along with the loss of their ability to store carbon, contributes to global warming. Besides their climate-
           related benefits, blue carbon ecosystems also provide a host of other valuable ecosystem services, such as
           shoreline protection, habitat for biodiversity and nursery ground for fish and crustaceans.

           According to studies conducted all over the world, mangroves typically store five times as much carbon as a
           comparable area of rainforest. At the global level, seagrass meadows play a significant role as carbon sinks by
           storing large amounts of carbon in the sediment and seagrass vegetation.

           In June 2022, ADOC collaborated with relevant specialist with a request to prepare a proposal for a study
           to investigate the gradual build-up with time of blue carbon storage capacity in the mangroves planted by
           ADOC over the years and to make an assessment of the total blue carbon stock in the mangrove and seagrass
           ecosystems at Mubarraz. This study will provide us with quantitative data on carbon storage that will provide the
           result of our efforts to plant mangroves and protect seagrasses at Mubarraz (a positive environmental impact).

           The proposed scope of work consists of a field investigation to assess the total amount of blue carbon stock in
           the Mubarraz mangrove ecosystems as well as the gradual development and build-up (over time) of blue carbon
           storage capacity in the vegetation and soil of the mangroves planted by ADOC over the years. The total blue
           carbon stock in the seagrass ecosystems at Mubarraz will also be measured through a field study of carbon stocks
           in seagrass vegetation and underlying sediment. Once the study comes to an end, a technical report will be issued.

         GHG emissions                                      and flaring, are referred to as direct emissions. Indirect
                                                            emissions refer to those from purchased utilities (activities
                                                            associated with electricity, steam, heat, or cooling) from
         ADOC’s direct GHG emissions (Scope I) and indirect   ADWEA.  The  “Method  for Estimating  Atmospheric
         GHG emissions (Scope 2) decreased by 1.68% in 2022.   Emissions from E&P Operations’’ was used to calculate
         The annual emissions of carbon dioxide (CO ), methane   GHG emissions by converting the net energy consumed
         (CH ), and nitrous oxide (N O)  from  ADOC's  field   to tons of CO .
         operations,  such as  power  generation,  combustion,

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