Page 39 - Abu Dhabi Oil Co Ltd. (Japan) - Sustainability Report
P. 39



             Our  effluent  discharge  is  managed  in  accordance  with
             Federal Law No. 24 of 1999 and relevant ADNOC HSE
             Standards  (2020).  Effluent  released  to  the  municipal
             sewerage system in Abu Dhabi from the Abu Dhabi office
             is in compliance with the Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services
             Company (ADSSC) regulations, while wastewater
             discharged to the marine environment from the offshore
             operations is in compliance with the ADNOC HSE Standard
             for Standard Limit for Effluent Discharge to the Marine
             Environment  and  the  Abu  Dhabi  Quality  Conformity
             Council  (QCC)  Environmental  Specifications  for  Land-
             Based Liquid Discharges to the Marine Environment and
             Ambient Marine Water and Sediments Specifications.   Biodiversity

             Spills                                             Environmental protection and the wise use of natural

                                                                resources are  aspects  that ADOC  is  actively  working
                                                                to promote, as we are aware of the sensitivity and the
             We are  committed  to  preventing and  reducing the   obligations involved in operating within the MMBR. We
             number and volume of hydrocarbon spills within our   have  implemented  effective  ecological  management
             operation  fields  and  facilities. We  mitigate  the  risk  of   procedures and monitoring programs to safeguard the
             spills by following stringent protocols for handling waste,   survival of wildlife present in the biosphere reserve and
             chemicals, and hydrocarbons, and by performing routine   destruction of marine environment.
             asset maintenance in accordance with our asset integrity
             management system. For each of our operational
             fields and facilities, specific spill response protocols and   Mangroves
             resources are put in place. There were no major spills
             reported in 2022.
                                                                In the UAE, there are approximately 4,000 ha of
                                                                mangrove, of which 2,500 ha are found in Abu Dhabi.
             Water withdrawal                                   Mangroves in the UAE have grown to become the largest

                                                                in the Arabian  Gulf coast. Mangroves are  one of Abu
                                                                Dhabi’s key ecological assets and part of EAD’s Sheikh
             ADOC adheres to conservation  principles, which    Zayed Protected Areas Network. Avicennia marina (LC
             encourage reducing water usage whenever possible.   – IUCN), commonly called  the grey mangroves, are
             withdrawn water comes from municipal water suppliers,   classified as a ‘’critical habitat’’ within Abu Dhabi, which is
             for  the Abu  Dhabi  office,  and  surface  water.   ADOC   why EAD are planning to plant a 100 million mangroves
             also produces desalinated water. We do not withdraw   by 2030 through the National Carbon Sequestration
             water. from any stressed  or freshwater source. Water   project.
             withdrawn in 2022  equated  to  produced  water,
             3,828,080 m   (sourced from municipal water suppliers   The mangroves also serve as a shelter for various species
             and sea water converted to freshwater) which was used   of  crustacean,  fish  and  birds  including  the  migratory
             for utility purposes. The Water withdrawal quantity for   Greater Flamingo.
             2022 is similar to that of previous years.

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