Page 38 - Abu Dhabi Oil Co Ltd. (Japan) - Sustainability Report
P. 38


         Flare Management                                    sand,  grit  blast,  contaminated  garments  (rags,  personal
                                                             protective equipment (PPE), etc.), batteries (dry, lead,
                                                             alkaline, etc.), filters and filter elements, and electronic
         Due to ADOC’s zero-flaring policy, we have successfully   waste (fluorescent tubes, lights and bulbs). Waste oil and
         decreased the amount of natural gas flared by more than   other forms of hazardous liquids are characterized as
         90% since 1971.  Flaring only occurs during non-routine   hazardous liquid waste.
         activities in the event of planned maintenance, emergencies,   The ADNOC Central  Environment Protection  Facility
         shut down or start-up operations. Annual KPIs are established   (BeAAT) treats and disposes of all hazardous waste.  A
         to promote ongoing development of our operational   total of approximately 597.6 tons of hazardous waste
         performance. ADOC has a power shutdown every four   were generated and disposed of to BeAAT in 2022, which
         years and as a result volumes of flared hydrocarbons are   was a 13% increase from 2021. This could be attributed
         higher during these periods (2018 and 2022) are higher.  to  the tank  overhaul works  and  power  shutdown
                                                             activities comprising vessel cleaning and sludge recovery.
                                                             Out of the total hazardous waste generated, 70.3 tons
                                                             were liquid and 527.3 tons were solid.

         Waste Management

         We proactively make every effort to minimize the waste
         generated by our operations to reduce our environmental
         footprint and operational costs. We manage our waste   Non-Hazardous Waste
         by following our ADOC Waste Management Procedure,
         which is in accordance with ADNOC 'HSE Standards,
         Tadweer -  Abu Dhabi Centre of Waste Management     Non-hazardous  waste  including  mixed  general  waste,
         and  applicable  regulatory  laws  on  waste  management   plastic,  paper/cardboard,  textiles,  glass,  metal,  inorganic
         for  handling, storage, and  disposal.  Our  Abu Dhabi   materials, tire/rubber, food, and other organic materials
         office, warehouse facilities, and offshore sites generated   like wood and garden waste are produced by ADOC.
         hazardous and non-hazardous waste.                  In total,  440  tons  of non-hazardous solid  waste  were
                                                             disposed  in Tadweer-approved  Environmental  Service
                                                             Providers (ESP) collected non-hazardous waste, except
         Hazardous Waste                                     for the domestic waste at Mubarraz Island and at the
                                                             CFP which was incinerated and the incinerated waste
                                                             ash disposed as hazardous waste through BeAAT. If the
         Hazardous solid waste generated  at our offshore    waste volumes exceeded the incinerator capacity, they
         facilities  includes contaminated  empty  chemical   are collected for disposal onshore.
         containers,  hydrocarbon/oily  sludge,  contaminated

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