Page 41 - Abu Dhabi Oil Co Ltd. (Japan) - Sustainability Report
P. 41


               Format (to be used by site staff to report any marine   and procedures that contribute to minimizing harmful
               megafauna incidents)                             megafauna  interactions,  which should be  continued.

            •  ADOC marine megafauna database (to record all the   These include:
               marine megafauna sightings/ incidents reported)   •  Regular  beach  cleaning  operations  across  Mubarraz
            In 2022, an awareness course, attended by 185 ADOC    Island and Causeway.
            employees, including  contractors, and  more detailed   •  Minimization of impacts  on important marine
            technical training session, attended by 18 ADOC staff,   megafauna habitats  at Mubarraz and Hail Shoal
            was launched as part of this project.  The sessions   through implementation of EIA and best management
            represent  a  combined  total  of 510.5  man-hours    practices.
            invested in megafauna training and awareness.  The   •  Deployment of acoustic deterrent devices and
            course was inspired by and adapted  from an existing   other relevant  mitigation  during underwater noise-
            ‘standard’ Arabian Marine Species Observer course by   generating activities  (as per  ADNOC standard
            Specialist external consultant. It was designed to raise the   operational procedures).
            awareness and understanding of relevant ADOC staff
            about the various ways in which the oil & gas industry   •   Support ongoing marine megafauna research programs
            (and related vessel/other operations) can pose a level of   in Abu Dhabi waters.
            risk to marine mammals & turtles in the region and the   •  Adopt best practices and mitigating measures during
            various mitigation and management measures that can   dredging operations.
            be implemented to address threats and risks.
                                                                • In case of oil spills, follow ADNOC guidelines and
            In 2022,  ADOC have put in place  several measures    procedures for appropriate response and cleanup.

              The Use of Bio-Coco                              may have been affected  by adverse  environmental
                                                               conditions other than soil composition, such  as
              Peat as an Alternative Soil                      unusually hot temperatures, inconsistent watering

              Additive to Peat Moss                            regime  or  other  factors.  Monitoring  data  collected
                                                               after three and six months again revealed no significant
                                                               effects of any of the treatments on any of the plant

              Peat  moss  was  being  used  as  a  soil  additive  for  the   variables investigated, including plant height, number of
              growth of mangrove seedlings in the mangrove nursery   leaves and plant biomass. Based on these inconclusive
              as part of the ongoing mangrove planting program at   results of the experiment, it was decided not to change
              Mubarraz Field. We started looking into the possibility   from peat moss to coco peat as a soil additive for the
              of using coco peat instead of peat moss in 2021. Peat   growth of mangrove.
              moss and coco peat both have qualities that improve
              the soil and peat moss can be replaced with coco peat
              because it can be harvested and processed sustainably.
              The experiment was initiated in the mangrove nursery
              at Mubarraz Island in August 2021. The results of the
              experiment  in 2022 revealed a lack of significant effects
              of peat moss and coco peat treatments on the survival
              or growth of mangrove seedlings. Germination after
              one month was low (43%) across all treatments and
              controls  showed  no  significant  differences  between
              treatments, indicating that the propagules  may have
              been  collected  too  early  (not  yet  fully  ripe)  and/or

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